
As the first African-owned computer brand, the goal is to commercialize our mobile product, the Shumiphone and sell it on the public market providing an affordable alternative that outputs great performance in terms of speed, display and great storage capability.



Omnipresent Global is a Technology company based in Johannesburg which was founded in 2016.


Adnotes provide simplified connectivity solutions. They provide budget friendly wireless internet solutions.


Sebenza is "internet for the people", a free Wi-Fi and content solution for South African commuters on our primary modes of public transport: taxis and buses. Aiming to bridge the digital divide, Sebenza is an online ecosystem that keeps commuters entertained, enhances productivity and assists students by giving them access to information."Sebenza is a way of life. This is where we support local content while granting access to information at the user's fingertips," says Sebenza spokesperson Mayi Tshwete. "While we use incentivised call-to-actions through Sebenza Bucks, we're availing bandwidth and content to commuters and making their commute far more enjoyable. We firmly believe no one should be left behind in an increasingly digital world."


ChitChat.Cool is South African social media networking site.  This is an African solution to the social media platform, It will be able to reach out and interact with each other as well sharing ideas with others within the global arena.


The Internet is not a luxury, it is a necessity, our business model is based on reverse billing the internet by partnering with TECO providers in South Africa


Instant Dataless Chat, Video Conferencing, 1-1 calls and video streaming. Softmeet is a dataless communication platform that allows users to meet online through the use of mobile Apps and web.


NxaTel is a Modern Unified communication platform for Small and Medium businesses.



Riot is a broadband solution aimed at enabling widespread internet connectivity in low-income communities


The HN Citipages app primarily connects you to all HN CitiPages users from all over the world in the homepage